graphic of woman with laptop and flashing symbols
graphic of woman with laptop and flashing symbols

Hi, I'm

Chantelle Isaacs

What I do


Skilled in building out the framework of a website in HTML, designing with CSS and implementing functionality with JavaScript, all structured together in a framework like React. Clearly communicated code and UX working together is essential when building a beautiful, working website.

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Utilizing back-end technology such as Rails, Ruby on Rails, React on Rails, Active Record, and PostgreSQL is essential for delivering dynamic content to the front-end of an application. I prioritize RESTful API structure so the back-end code easily accessible and communicated clearly.

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Designing custom graphics, images, or elements are often necessary to elevate an application to the next level. I use programs like Canva, Microsoft Publisher, and Paint.NET to create and edit custom print and digital designs. I also have experience designing WYSIWYG websites using Wix and Squarespace.

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Who I am

I’ve always loved learning…

So it’s little surprise that I’ve ended up in an industry where the learning never ends. Before becoming a web developer, I worked for an EdTech company that focused on preparing students for standardized exams. We encouraged our students to lean into the WHY of learning, not just the how.

A move to San Diego gave me the opportunity to attend the (appropriately named) LEARN Academy where my world of learning has been expanded. Becoming a Full Stack Web Developer has allowed me to open the hood of the digital world we live in and see the engine inside - and it’s fascinating. I’d love to learn about your ideas, your projects, and how we can work together to make them a reality.

Chantelle sitting on a large boulder in Joshua Tree National Park

My work

Contact Me

Please feel free to reach me on LinkedIn at

or email me HERE.